Happy girl in her swing!
Sunday, December 9, 2007
'Tis the Season
Lillian is growing up so fast!! I wish I could stop time and just keep her this little for a while, but that isn't how it works. So I will enjoy every moment and take lots of video and pics!!! Collin is in the midst of finals and is studying like crazy!! This Dental school stuff isn't for the faint of heart!! We can't wait for Christmas!!! I keep looking at our little family and thinking, I don't think life can get much better. We are so blessed. It is truly easy to count my many blessings for they are many!! Love to you all!!!
Happy girl in her swing!
Hanging out with Daddy after church

So relaxed
Pretty girl!!!
Fresh and clean just out of the tub!!
So busy
Pulling out Daddy's hair. She has quite the grip!

Happy girl in her swing!
Monday, November 19, 2007
The Little Pumpkin
Better late than never...we are finally getting some halloween pics up! She was kind of ticked off when I was taking these pictures, as you can probably tell. She was the cutest pumpkin I have ever seen!! We went to the Doctor on the 6th and she now weighs 12 pounds 3 ounces. She is in the 15th percentile for her weight. I can't believe how fast she is growing!! She can roll from her tummy to her back and is dilligently working on doing the reverse. Mommy and Daddy couldn't be more proud. She is so much fun and we are enjoying every second!!!
Happy Halloween!!! Her costume kind of swallowed her!

Despite adversity with every move, forging onward belly-down
She just pounded down a chili burrito & a pint of root beer...in need of digestion

'Now who is your favorite football team? BYU!!!'
Memorizing the constellations...
Happy Halloween!!! Her costume kind of swallowed her!
She just pounded down a chili burrito & a pint of root beer...in need of digestion
'Now who is your favorite football team? BYU!!!'
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Lilly Goes Flying
Well our Lilly just keeps getting cuter and cuter. She is getting more interactive everyday and it is so fun! Collin suprised me with a trip home and Lilly and I braved the airplane and had a wonderful time! The video at the end is kind of long...but she never has talked that much into the camera!! I was so happy to document it! So if you get bored skip ahead!! Alright, I hope ya'll enjoy. Halloween pics are forth-coming!
Lilly and her daddy getting ready to go for a walk!
Smiley Girl!!
Laurel with cute little Adra and Brandon with our Lilly
Just hanging in her swing
Home sweet home! Lilly asleep in her Nana's arms!
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Lillian On The Move
Alright I stink at posting!! I swear I will try to be more consistent!! Sweet Lillian continues to grow and is the light of our lives. She is getting cuter and cuter by the day! I just put up a few pics and I will try to get a video up maybe tomorrow. The adorable dress in the picture below is from the Larson's (Aunt Jody I want you to know she got more compliments when she wore that dress, it is absolutely the cutest!!) Hope all is well with everyone!!! Enjoy!!

Monday, October 1, 2007
Smiles All Around
Okay so I (Liana) am attempting to post this week. We are really trying to repent of our lack of posting consistently!! Lillian just keeps getting cuter and cuter and we couldn't be any happier than we are right now. She is such a light in our lives. Over the past 2 weeks or so she has begun to smile alot. It sure makes your day when she smiles right at you! Alright, well I'm going to wrap this up...the little one is sleeping and who knows how much longer that will last. Hope you all enjoy!!!
Pucker up!!
She is such an angel!
Such a flirt!!
A long day in the car!!
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Lily's Baby Blessing
Next stop on Lily's Live Tour, the day of her baby blessing!!! What a wonderful Labor Day weekend, one to remember! All of the Skousen clan (15 of them) invaded Dallas to celebrate with us. Lily is such a blessed daughter of our Heavenly Father, and we are so grateful for her being in our lives. Despite the projectile poop & spit-up, we are loving every moment we have with her. We want to thank all of those who celebrated with us - Skousens, Claysons, Allens, GG & Grandad Kraus & others...
The week prior, Lily was visited by her Aunt Courtney & Uncle Tyler. Her fans span the globe, and she loves her family dearly! We apologize for the drought of posts, but re-commit to the endeavor of updating the site! We miss & love you all.
The Happy Family on Lily's blessing day!
How beautiful??? Lily too! :) Love the dress Nana gave her!
No words
Lily's 3 youngest cousins (all older than she)
Maribeth, Joel, Paul, & cutie Nadia!
Lily & Liana, sittin in a tree, S-L-E-E-P-I-N-G
The week prior, Lily was visited by her Aunt Courtney & Uncle Tyler. Her fans span the globe, and she loves her family dearly! We apologize for the drought of posts, but re-commit to the endeavor of updating the site! We miss & love you all.
The Happy Family on Lily's blessing day!
Sunday, August 5, 2007
The half-turn & the pacifier
We are seeing more & more personality as we tour through the life & time of Lillian Emmie. She kicks off her blanket, she turns her head to her right whenever she can, she turns on her side, & now she takes her pacifier. We're just so proud :) Last week, she won a regional competition for "most beautiful baby", & she's off to nationals next week! kiddin... We just love her so!
Good friends, Rick & Kelly w/ baby Bella. Rick is holding our Lily!
Liana turns 25!!! Did Collin really make that cake from scratch???
Lily turning all by herself! 'Atta girl
Could this be because of daddy's hairy legs?
Head turning - friend or foe?
In the quest for help - the Pacifier!
Good friends, Rick & Kelly w/ baby Bella. Rick is holding our Lily!
In the quest for help - the Pacifier!
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Life & Times of Lillian Emmie
I apologize for the prolonged wait, but Lily needed some personal time before continuing her tour! As big a star as she is, Lily needs a little R & R from time to time too! For all of you mothers out there, I'm sure you understand the nighttime adventures that babies bring to your lives. Liana is a walking zombie, as Lily usually gets fitful & fussy come midnight. But, she is eating so well & is growing like a weed!!! At a checkup on July 24, she weighed in at 6 lbs & measured 18", quite an increase after only 2 1/2 weeks! I wish I could get a good video of all the "grunting" she does - Liana calls her our little "Pterodactyl", although I think she sounds more like a "Velociraptor" from Jurassic Park :) We can't wait for family to come visit this month! Her Aunt Courtney is coming in from Paris, Uncle Tyler from Utah, & the entire Skousen clan from Ohio & Utah. She will most certainly enjoy her momma's birthday tomorrow - she already has the "hunger song" & "diaper dance" ready to perform as her gift!
Kisses, kisses, kisses
Fun with GG & Grandad!
Sadly saying goodbye to Nana at the airport

One on one with the star of the show
Fun with GG
Nana time!
Kisses, kisses, kisses
One on one with the star of the show
Fun with GG
Nana time!
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Lily live!
Back by popular demand, Lily goes to a photo-shoot full of many "firsts"! We will try to include as many pictures & videos of her new experiences as possible in this edition of "Lily Live"! She is doing so well!!! She gained back her birthweight after only 6 days (the doctors says that usually takes 2 weeks or so)! You will notice the typical position she likes to put herself in - both hands up high on the sides of her head! She sleeps, eats, poops, & hangs out in this same position! She is absolutely a light in our lives!
Liana is doing better each day. Although still recovering from her surgery & in lots of pain/discomfort, she is glued to her little daughter every moment of the day. She still hasn't been out of the house hardly at all, but all in due time. She looks absolutely amazing for having given birth less than 2 weeks ago! Daddy Collin is as proud as can be. He has put together the swing, bouncer, pack'n'play, stroller... all the stuff a daddy does. If you have any Fisher-Price stuff you need help with, let me know - I'm a pro. We love all the comments you all leave on the site, so keep them comin! Thank you all for all the love, support, & even gifts you have given us! We are truly blessed!
Cute Lily, still at the hospital
After her first bath by her momma...
I love this picture!
Slightly worried...
Proud Daddy

1st time in Bouncer!!!
1st time in Swing!!!
Time with Momma
1st bath time!!!
Liana is doing better each day. Although still recovering from her surgery & in lots of pain/discomfort, she is glued to her little daughter every moment of the day. She still hasn't been out of the house hardly at all, but all in due time. She looks absolutely amazing for having given birth less than 2 weeks ago! Daddy Collin is as proud as can be. He has put together the swing, bouncer, pack'n'play, stroller... all the stuff a daddy does. If you have any Fisher-Price stuff you need help with, let me know - I'm a pro. We love all the comments you all leave on the site, so keep them comin! Thank you all for all the love, support, & even gifts you have given us! We are truly blessed!
Cute Lily, still at the hospital
1st time in Bouncer!!!
1st time in Swing!!!
Time with Momma
1st bath time!!!
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