Well it has been awhile. Christmas was wonderful and crazy and what every Christmas should be I feel. We got to go to Ohio and see my WHOLE family and we all stayed at my parent's house!!!! My poor parents I'm sure needed a vacation after "Christmas vacation". Life has just been chugging along since then. My little Lucy is getting big fast. Time goes too fast I have decided-at least in regards to the babies. Both my girls are just stinkin' adorable. Lilly is growing up so much, she is no longer a "baby" but a little girl. Kind of freaks me out. The other day she rolled her eyes at someone who was talking to her at the Doctor's office-I couldn't believe it. Yeah, I'm in for it. I have discovered that I indeed do have quite the temper on me-didn't really know I had one until the two year old. Lilly will actually try to calm me down. Pathetic. It is because I will say to her, "okay Lilly mommy needs to just take a deep breath okay?" She now says when I start to get upset, "Just take a break and say, she will then inhale and exhale". Sad I know. She is so cute and so full of it. I can't imagine life without my sweet little ones. They are my world. Lucy is wiggly and cute and into grunting. You know once they figure out that they can make noise it is go time. Collin is busy as can be. Between callings and school and mentor programs at school and being a daddy he is stretched thin. Plus he has me for a wife-and I DEMAND time with him!!!! I love him more than he knows because I don't tell him enough. Funny how you get on a blog and decide to declare love for your spouse. Maybe I will actually TELL him too!!! I hope all is well with everyone. Happy Valentine's Day!!!! And as always I will try to do better with this blogging business!!!! I still can't figure out the video stuff. Man I wish I wasn't so technically impaired. Oh yeah, a few comments on the pics. Lucy in the ducky dress-that is the face I get for almost all pictures she doesn't like the flash. I took a pic of her pooping up her shirt because literally that happens on a good week about 5 times- my bathroom sink is always full of soaking poopy clothes. Glamourous I know. Lilly like any true girl LOVES to wear mommies shoes. They are always all over the house!!!
hey try shout advanced for set in stains. i just rinse the pooped outfit and spray that on there and throw it in the wash...no soaking necessary and it gets it all out!
Love it! Thanks for posting. I love seeing your girls and hearing what funny thing Lilly is doing. What a booger that one is (which is one reason I love her)! I miss you guys! I'll be in town in March so I better get to see those cute nieces of mine!
So cute! Thanks for updating, I can't believe how big the girls are getting!
I love your bangs, by the way.
The girls are SO stinkin cute! And I love your hair (color & cut). It looks great!
lucy's eyes look SO blue in that pic of her in the duck dress. i love it. they are just sweet! I want to see you all again soon!
Cute kids! Oh man,that poopy diaper pic ... I hope they grow out of that phase quick.
hey try shout advanced for set in stains. i just rinse the pooped outfit and spray that on there and throw it in the wash...no soaking necessary and it gets it all out!
diana quintero
Love it! Thanks for posting. I love seeing your girls and hearing what funny thing Lilly is doing. What a booger that one is (which is one reason I love her)! I miss you guys! I'll be in town in March so I better get to see those cute nieces of mine!
Wow, you get lots of comments! I love the big smile on the one pic of Lucy...so cute!
Lilly and Lucy are SO cute and SO pretty! I love the pictures! And you look so beautiful!
Your girls are way too adorable for words. Glad to see your pics!
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