Liana & I just finished watching the funeral services for President Gordon B. Hinckley, the Lord's prophet & 15th president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I wrote an entry in my journal & felt that I should write a few passages here.
"...He has truly been my prophet, the prophet of my generation. I was too young to appreciate President Hunter and President Benson, & too young to even remember President Kimball... When I first heard of his passing last Sunday night, I was shocked but didn't cry. Only now, as I watch the funeral & really ponder my love for President Hinckley, are tears streaming down my face. I will truly miss him. I love him so deeply & dearly. He has inspired me & captivated my attention like no other. He has given his life to the Lord, the members of the church, & the people of the world. I hope I can dedicate my life, in some small degree, as he has... As I watch on the internet, the procession is arriving at the cemetary. They are saying this is the first day in a while that the sun is shining so brightly in Salt Lake City & not overcast & snowing. I am confident the Lord is shining his light to show us all that He is with us today... My sweet daughter Lilly is playing on the floor here next to me w/ Liana. She brings so much joy to me, even in this time of sorrow. What a contrast of emotion & life events... I saw president Hinckley in person 6 times, 5 of which I can remember details & some specifics. Twice I saw him at BYU devotionals. I remember at one of them, when he was leaving, he started waving to all of the students in the Marriott Center. He stopped & turned back & forth,waving from section to section. Each section individually waved back at him - it became almost a game for a few minutes :) ... I also saw him twice at General Conference... I also saw him at a much smaller gathering, at the dedication of Brigham Square in June 2002, a part of BYU campus just out front of the Wilkenson Center. It was a hot summer day, & I remember him saying "maybe this should have been more appropriately named Sunburn Square" :) ... The last time I saw him in person was so special. I was an usher at the New Mission President Seminar in June 2005, the last of my 38 months of working at the Missionary Training Center. Grant LaBarbera, my childhood friend, was in charge of a lot of the organization of the conference. He strategically positioned me at the very front entrance of the MTC. I saw pretty much all of the Quorum of the 12 apostles enter before President Hinckley came in. I was smiling from ear to ear as he came in & waived to the few of us who were there! The Spirit of the Lord walked with him & I remember feeling it as I was truly in awe... I want to bear my testimony that I know the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the true church of God & it is guided by prophets & revelators who possess the true, restored priesthood authority of God."
We will never forget his legacy of families, temple work, missionary work, and his charges to be a little better & to work a little harder.