We are seeing more & more personality as we tour through the life & time of Lillian Emmie. She kicks off her blanket, she turns her head to her right whenever she can, she turns on her side, & now she takes her pacifier. We're just so proud :) Last week, she won a regional competition for "most beautiful baby", & she's off to nationals next week! kiddin... We just love her so!
Good friends, Rick & Kelly w/ baby Bella. Rick is holding our Lily! Liana turns 25!!! Did Collin really make that cake from scratch??? Lily turning all by herself! 'Atta girl Could this be because of daddy's hairy legs? Head turning - friend or foe?
I apologize for the prolonged wait, but Lily needed some personal time before continuing her tour! As big a star as she is, Lily needs a little R & R from time to time too! For all of you mothers out there, I'm sure you understand the nighttime adventures that babies bring to your lives. Liana is a walking zombie, as Lily usually gets fitful & fussy come midnight. But, she is eating so well & is growing like a weed!!! At a checkup on July 24, she weighed in at 6 lbs & measured 18", quite an increase after only 2 1/2 weeks! I wish I could get a good video of all the "grunting" she does - Liana calls her our little "Pterodactyl", although I think she sounds more like a "Velociraptor" from Jurassic Park :) We can't wait for family to come visit this month! Her Aunt Courtney is coming in from Paris, Uncle Tyler from Utah, & the entire Skousen clan from Ohio & Utah. She will most certainly enjoy her momma's birthday tomorrow - she already has the "hunger song" & "diaper dance" ready to perform as her gift! Kisses, kisses, kisses Fun with GG & Grandad! Sadly saying goodbye to Nana at the airport Mugshot One on one with the star of the show