Okay so I have no excuse other than life is busy!!! Sorry it has yet again been so long since I've posted new stuff!!!! Lilly got her first ear infection. The first antibiotic didn't work so we had to put her on a different one. My poor little baby, she still seems out of sorts and hasn't been sleeping well. I think she is teething too. Babies have to go through so much!!!! We are gearing up for Maribeth's wedding, and visiting with all our family who we miss so much!!! Lillian is taking a couple steps now, and I'm sure it is only a matter of a couple weeks (if that) before she is walking everywhere!!!! I say it every time, but I can't believe how fast time goes. She is almost one!!! She is my pride and joy!!!! New with me is that I will be starting to teach ballet classes at the end of June. I have missed my dancing, and it will be only a few hours a week, which is perfect. Collin is busy as ever, the pic below is when Collin did a internship with an Orthodontist. He is also our new Elder's Quorum President in our ward. President of ODONT; which is an Honor society to which some students are selected. He is also getting ready to take the GRE in preperation for applying to Ortho schools. And on top of all this he is the most amazing husband and father!!! I have to brag on him a little bit, because I am so proud and I (we) feel so blessed for all the many opportunities that we have been given. One of the things that I have learned and I'm sure will continue to learn is that, things don't always happen on our time table but if we are patient and striving to do our best Heavenly Father will bless us, when he sees fit. He knows best, we just have to have faith and ACT!!! Love to you all!!