Liana is doing better each day. Although still recovering from her surgery & in lots of pain/discomfort, she is glued to her little daughter every moment of the day. She still hasn't been out of the house hardly at all, but all in due time. She looks absolutely amazing for having given birth less than 2 weeks ago! Daddy Collin is as proud as can be. He has put together the swing, bouncer, pack'n'play, stroller... all the stuff a daddy does. If you have any Fisher-Price stuff you need help with, let me know - I'm a pro. We love all the comments you all leave on the site, so keep them comin! Thank you all for all the love, support, & even gifts you have given us! We are truly blessed!
Cute Lily, still at the hospital
1st time in Bouncer!!!
1st time in Swing!!!
Time with Momma
1st bath time!!!